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The Faculty and Staff Recommend

Includes links to books, films, and musical works cited as part of the 2021 Faculty/Staff Recommends project.

While dozens of “best book” lists exist, I was curious to determine which books, films, and musical works the faculty and staff of Franklin Pierce University would recommend our students be exposed to before they graduate.  Respondents agonized over being limited to only five titles each, and four made hurried revisions after sending me their initial selections.  The result is a canon of sorts that speaks to the tastes and inclinations of our institution.

          Over all, twenty-nine faculty and nine staff responded to my query, citing more than 160 different works.  Most were books, but fifteen films, twenty-three pieces of music, one pod cast, a TV show, and a Ted Talk also made the list. 

          I hope you enjoy poring over the list, seeing which titles your favorite faculty and staff members chose, adding new selections to your personal “to read” checklists, and ruminating on the nature of those works included more than once. 

--Paul O. Jenkins, University Librarian