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LibKey Search

Search extension to help you locate articles quickly

After you download the browser, links will automatically populate in PubMed to take you to the PDF of the article.

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After you search Google Scholar and click on the link that says "Full Text @ FPU Library."  This will take you to this page:

Google Scholar LibKey interface

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Scroll to the 'References' section of the Wikipedia article.  If scholarly articles are available in full-text the LibKey link will appear.

example of wikipedia article with Libkey links

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In Up-To-Date, scroll to the Reference section of the entry.  Click on a the title of the article you are looking for, a new page will open up.  If the article is available in full-text in a DiPietro Library resources you will see a link.

Example of LibKey link in Up-To-Date

Click to make larger

Once you have the LibKey browser extension installed, you will begin to see it in other places as you do your searching. If you are searching an academic journal's site and articles from that journal are available in DiPietro Library resources you will see the LibKey logo in the bottom left corner of your screen.

LibKey Logo

Browzine, a LibKey product, allows you to search FPU's collection of academic journals by title, subject or ISSN.

You can bookmark this page: or use the Journal Finder link on the library's front page.