The IDEAL Center is available for student use after normal business hours.
Students may use the room for group or individual study on Monday-Friday from 5 pm until closing, and all hours the library is open on Saturday and Sunday.
Students are not able to reserve the room. It is designed to be an open space for all students.
At 5 pm on Monday-Friday a staff member will unlock the door to the IDEAL Center. At this time s/he will check that the laptop charging cabinet is locked and that the projection system is off. Staff will unlock and open the room on weekends.
Students are not allowed to use any permanent equipment in the room (the laptop cabled into the projection system, the projection system itself, or the laptops in the cabinet).
Library staff may ask students to leave the room if they are too loud, creating a disturbance of any kind, or making unauthorized use of the room’s equipment.
IDEAL Center Policy
Guiding Philosophy
The main purpose of the IDEAL Center (IC) is to host events during the Library’s normal hours of operation.
Prioritizing IC Use
As reflected in the prioritized list below, the primary purpose of the IC is to facilitate the library’s instructional programming and host events that are part of the IDEAL initiative.
Reserving use of the IC will be determined according to the following priorities.
The IC is not available for semester-long use for university courses or meetings unaffiliated with the library or the IDEAL initiative.
Generally, use of the IC by groups not affiliated with the University is prohibited. Some exceptions to this rule (especially during summer or other holiday breaks) may be granted at the discretion of the University Librarian.
Bumping Rights
When the IC is needed for library or IDEAL activities, those who have reserved it for other activities may be asked to relocate elsewhere. This decision will be made by the University Librarian.
Faculty Use of the IC
Faculty who are only booking a couple of sessions per semester and not requesting a librarian to be present can book as far in advance as they wish. Faculty booking more than 2 sessions per week for a particular class cannot book more than one week in advance. (This policy is intended to prevent one or more faculty members from unintentionally "locking out" other faculty from using the room.) Exceptions to this rule will be made for library business, for engagements involving outside speakers, and at the discretion of the University Librarian.
Responsible Use of IC Equipment
Those authorized to use the IC will be responsible for its equipment. Any changes or modifications to the default equipment configuration must be approved in advance by the Reference/Instruction Librarian.
Prior to using the IC, please note:
For meetings:
Authorized users of the IC will ensure that the room is as functional upon completion of the event as it was when they gained access to it.
Please check the following after each use:
Non-observance of any aspects of this policy may result in the loss of IC use privileges at the discretion of the University Librarian.
5 May 2005; Revised 4 August 2009; Revised: January 22, 2013; Revised February 22, 2018; Revised September, 2018.