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Candidate Demo

"What should I write about?"

  • Think about issues that concern and affect you.
  • This could be a local, national or international issue, or something that is personal to you.
  • Or, you might choose a topic or issue you're not familiar with, but are interested in researching further.
  • Be sure to run your potential topic by your professor.. 

What is an inquiry question?



An inquiry question is the central idea of your paper. The question seeks to investigate a specific angle or aspect of your topic of interest (e.g., sustainability). For example: What types of sustainability programs are currently being introduced on college campuses?

Some of the qualities of a good inquiry question:

  • It's asked without bias. 
  • It does not have a simple answer, and often has multiple answers.
  • It has a clear focus.
  • The question is researchable.  
  • It's a topic that is interesting to you.

Use the worksheet below to guide you as you search for articles and books that relate to your inquiry question.