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GLE 230 Composition Guide: Finding Sources


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NYT, WSJ - Credible Popular Sources

Franklin Pierce provides subscription access to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal for students use.  These newspapers are two examples of credible, popular sources.

They are credible because they have established reputations for  research and fact-checking, strong reporting, and clear editorial policies.

 They are popular because they are written for a wide audience that may not have a background in the topic they are reading about.  

These sites are good places to search for information about national and international news, business news, and editorials and opinions on different topics. The New York Times offers historical access back to the 1850's.

For complete access you must set up an account with each newspaper.  Once your account is set up, you can go directly to the newspaper's web site.

Set up a New York Times account.

Set up a Wall Street Journal account.


Finding Scholarly and Popular Resources

Popular Sources:

  • Written for an everyday audience, no special knowledge on the part of the reader required. 
  • May contain quotes and links, but does not list resources used. 
  • Vocabulary is written at a high school or below level. 
  • May or may not have a listed author.
  • More like reporting, less like a research paper.

Scholarly Sources:

  • Written for an audience with in-depth knowledge of the topic.
  • Vocabulary is specific to the topic/discipline and may require specialized knowledge.
  • Authors listed, may have multiple authors.
  • Quotes are all attributed with footnotes or endnotes.  Research references listed at the end of the article.


These databases cover a wide variety of topics and contain many full-text articles including both scholarly and popular sources: