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Digital Humanities

A detailed guide explaining what Digital Humanities is

Tools and Software

Conducting DH research and creating projects would not be possibly without that essential component- technology. Digital tools and software programs are heavily used in this discipline, ranging from text analysis tools to data cleaning programs and beyond. Many of the tools and programs within this LibGuide can be used for other purposes besides what they've been categorized as. For example, Gephi can be used as a data visualization tool as well as a network analysis tool. There is a lot of crossover within the technological aspect of DH. 

(Artwork by Frederic Leighton and Ralph McQuarrie)

Data Visualization Tools

Data visualization is the art of creating clear visual depictions of vast and intricate sets of qualitative or quantitative data.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

"A geographic information system (GIS) is a system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all types of data. GIS connects data to a map, integrating location data (where things are) with all types of descriptive information (what things are like there). This provides a foundation for mapping and analysis that is used in science and almost every industry. GIS helps users understand patterns, relationships, and geographic context. The benefits include improved communication and efficiency as well as better management and decision making"

Esri. (n.d.). What is GIS?.

Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

Data cleaning is the process of identifying and rectifying incorrect or messy data, either in a record-set, table, or database. It's specially useful when dealing with large swaths of data .

Network Analysis Tools

(Social) Network analysis involves examining social structures by utilizing networks and principles from graph theory. It evaluates networked patterns based on nodes and the connections, edges, or links that join them.

Text Analysis Tools