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Eliminating Cell Phone Distractions: Tips & Tricks!

This page will provide some tips to make your phone less distracting.

Why are you on your phone?

  • Why are you on your phone?
    • Habit?
    • Avoidance?
  • Gain awareness of how often you touch your phone
  • Identify specific behaviors - What apps distract you?  Why?
  • FOMO
  • Connecting with friends
  • Para-social relationships
  • Helps with anxiety
  • Convenient source of dopamine

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay


  • Move distracting apps off your home screen
  • Manage notifications
    • Only 15% of users manage app notifications!
  • Turn on airplane mode
  • Make it harder to use your phone: Put a rubber band (or two) on your phone to remind you not to scroll
  • Use a focus app (like Forest) to remind you to put your phone down.
  • Work for that dopamine!  Use your phone as a reward once you complete a task.
  • Out of sight, out of mind
    • Put your phone away (Could you turn it off?)
  • Set up your charger away from where you study / sleep/ etc.
  • Make use of phone settings to limit app time Use a Focus and/or Bedtime mode