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Temple Grandin

Website Contents

Temple Grandin's Autism Website contains: an autobiographiical video, biographical information, achievemnet articles, featured full articles, frequently asked questions, news articles, interviews and videos, listing of books and DVDs, listing of Webinars and Conferences, an autism information mailing list, and a link to "Ask Temple" to submit a question.

About Temple Grandin

The section  "About Temple Grandin" contains the "Temple Grandin On Her Search Engine" video and biographical information.

In the video below Temple Grandin:

  • describes that everything in her mind works like a search engine set for the image function. When she types in a keyword she gets pictures.and they come up in an associational sort of way.
  • illustrates her designs for handling facilities, center track restraner systems and dip vat systems.
  • discusses her livestock handling classes and guest lectures at the veterinary college on humane slaughter methods, cattle handling, meat quality and livestock behavior.
  • discusses her big concern right now is to get people on the autistic spectrum into good careers.
  • describes that as an autistic person she is what she does more than what she feels and gets alot of satisfaction out of life.

Autism Spectrum: Books, Audiobooks on CD, DVDs, eVideos

A videorecording of Grandin presenting helpful do's and don'ts, practical strategies, and try-it-now tips, addressing sensory issues, brain function, social skills, job skills and medications for people on the autism spectrum. Interspersed with slides of her presentation. Booklet contains the slides. Video also includes a slide show of photographs.

Grandin, Temple, and Future Horizons Inc, directors. 2008. The Way I See It : A Personal Look at Autism & Aspergers : A Presentation. DVD Video, Future Horizons.

In this presentation, Temple describes the challenges she has faced and offers ideas on how others dealing with autism can meet these obstacles and improve the quality of their lives. Backed by her personal experience and evidence-based research, Temple shares her valuable insights on a wide variety of topics, and offers useful do's and don'ts. Eustacia Cutler, the mother of Temple Grandin, will offer her view of autism through personal experience. Her daughter is now one of the most accomplished spokespersons on autism and animal behavior in the world. She has an impressively varied background, including having written A Thorn in My Pocket: Temple Grandin's Mother Tells the Family Story. Dr. Jim Ball, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, has been in the autism field for over twenty years providing educational, residential, and employment services to children and adults affected by autism. 

PESI. (2014). Autism/asperger's conference with dr. temple grandin. eVideo.

Autistic Spectrum Careers

Activities: Juvenile Literature