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DiPietro Library Newsletter

News and notes from the DiPietro Library

A Note from the University Librarian

 I came across an interesting quotation the other day. Peter Morville, sometimes dubbed the founding father of information architecture, stated that "what we find changes who we become." This phrase serves as the subtitle to Morville's 2005 book, Ambient Findability. While I am not steeped in the niceties of information architecture (organizing, structuring, and labeling content in an effective and sustainable way) I nevertheless found Morville's thought fascinating. My life, and no doubt your life, has been a series of discoveries, and these works of detection certainly change us from day to day. When you have a spare moment (I hear you laughing!), I urge you to consider what discoveries have most profoundly changed your life. Where did you find these change agents? While I cannot possibly list here all the things I've found that have changed who I've become, I can state that many of them stemmed from the time I've spent in libraries. There I have found artists, musicians, and writers who have been instrumental in the formation of Paul O. Jenkins.  

I urge you to visit the DiPietro Library and find something (a book, a video, an article) that will change the person you will one day become.

In Other News...

We welcome Melissa Robbins to the staff as one of our new Circulation Supervisors.  Melissa lives in Peterborough and is enjoying getting to know the FPU community and working with our students. She teaches 8th grade social studies at Hillsboro-Deering Middle School. Her favorite book is Ray Bradbury's Dandelion Wine, and she enjoys traveling, trivia, dogs, and drinking good coffee. Please join me in welcoming Melissa!


Faculty Research News

Dr. Shallee Page, Associate Professor of Chemistry, is an active scholar who often includes students in his research. He has recently had an article (co-authored with FPU student Evan Bennett '22) approved for publication in the journal Micropublications.  "Drosophila ananassae--GlyP" describes the DNA analysis of a fruit fly gene, GlyP. Page, Bennett, and Ibrahim Ayyash ('23) will soon submit a paper titled "Complete Genome Sequence of Bacteriophage vB_Hercules_Ste, which Infects Enteric Pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium" to Microbiology Resource Announcements. The paper describes Bennett's work isolating a novel virus he named "Hercules." This virus attacks Salmonella, a bacterium that causes food poisoning. Ayyash completed the analysis of the "Hercules" DNA this summer and submitted it to the national database NCBI-Genbank.

Library Faculty & Staff Professional Development & Scholarship

Evening Reference Librarian Mary Anne Blauert is researching resources on Native Americans. After researching resources Mary Anne Blauert will add selected  resources to an updated and expanded LibGuide on Native Americans.

Electronic Resources Librarian Leslie Inglis and Eric Shannon (Keene State College) co-presented a webinar for NERCOMP entitled, "Intrusive Advising - Faculty Style" in August 2022 about the need to keep good communication lines open with the faculty to promote library resources.

University Librarian Paul O. Jenkins recently published an essay in Popular Music and Society titled "From Innocence to Experience and Other Transitions in Selected Lyrics of John Prine." A poem, "Dedication" appeared in volume 42 of the Northern New England Review, and a short story, "My Dead Uncle" was published in the summer 2022 edition of the Avalon Literary Review.

Circulation Supervisor Jill Wixom attended the NE Academic ILL Conference at Dartmouth College in October.  Those who attended work in the area of inter-library loan services.  This meeting gave us an opportunity to discuss best practices and hear presentations on Controlled Digital Lending and Whole E-book Lending practices.

Recommendations from the library

Paul O. Jenkins recommends "Extraordinary Attorney Woo," a Netflix show about a Korean lawyer with autism spectrum disorder. "Hometown Cha Cha Cha" is also quite charming.

Katie Beth Ryan has had an eventful few months (A new baby! A move! Processing way too many disturbing news events!), and her attention span has been short at times. Thank goodness for comedians on TikTok! Some people who have reliably left her cracking up include Becca Herries, Caleb Hearon, Tom Hearn (especially his Ina Garten videos), Tanara Mallory's cooking commentary ("Everybody's so creative!") and Nicholas Flannery. She also became too invested in Bama Rush Tok, but that's a story for another time.

Leslie Inglis subscribes to too many podcasts.  Recent favorites are Torn - the hidden histories behind what we wear, Kermode and Mayo's Take - a movie review podcast, Authentic: The Story of Tablo - a true story of an early internet witch hunt, and You're Dead to Me! "the comedy podcast that takes history seriously".